Cessna CitationJet 3
Where do you want your CitationJet 3 to take you?
Rent a Cessna Citation CJ3 for Worldwide Private Charter. The Citation Jet 3 are small-cabined executive small jets with impressive legroom, ensuring a comfortable flight. Typically configured with six individual passenger seats, the aircraft features a refreshment centre, an emergency washroom and small external luggage hold. These private jets have excellent short field performance and with a 1,900 nautical mile range make very versatile aircraft. Do you need to charter a Citation CJ3 Private Jet? Then give Private Jet Charter a call, we can organise everything from the flight itself, to private transfers and hotel accommodation. Alternatively you can email us all the details and we can give you a quotation from that. In a rush to get in the air? use our Quick Quote button in the top right corner for a instant price.